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Explaining variations in public acceptability of road pricing schemes.JAENSIRISAK (S); WARDMAN (M); MAY (AD)2005
Factors affecting an economy's tolerance and delay response to the impact of a positive oil price shock.HUANG (BN)2008
Formation des prix immobiliers et consentement à payer pour une amélioration de l'environnement urbain : l'exemple rennais.BAUDRY (M); GUENGANT (A); LARRIBEAU (S)2009
Giving green to get green ? Incentives and consumer adoption of hybrid vehicle technology.GALLAGHER (KS); MUEHLEGGER (E)2011
Green transportation taxes and fees : a survey of public preferences in California.AGRAWAL (AW); DILL (G); NIXON (H)2010
Gérer les déterminants de la demande de transport. Actes de la conférence internationale - Décembre 2002.CONFERENCE EUROPEENNE DES MINISTRES DES TRANSPORTS
Health costs due to road traffic-related air pollution. An impact assessment project of Austria, France and Switzerland. A - Synthesis report.- 105 p. B - PM10 population exposure. Technical report on air pollution.- 80 p. C - Air pollution attributable cases. Technical report on epidemiology.- 75 p. D - Economic evaluation. Technical report on economy.- 93 p.ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE; AGENCE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ET DE LA MAITRISE DE L'ENERGIE; SUISSE Département fédéral de l'environnement des transports de l'énergie et de la communication
History of thought and prospects for road pricing.PAHAUT (S); SIKOW (C)2006
Household demand and willingness to pay for clean vehicles.POTOGLOU (D); KANAROGLOU (PS)2007
Impact of transport pricing on quality of life, acceptability, and intentions to reduce car use : an exploratory study in five european countries.GROOT (JIM DE)); STEG (L)2006