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Sustainable values, sustainable change. A guide to environmental decision making.NORTON (B)2015
OSustainable tourism as a factor of cohesion among european regions.COMITE DES REGIONS DE L'UNION EUROPEENNE
OSustainable development in the European Union. - Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGS in an EU context. Edition 2019.- 367 p. - Overview of progress towards the SDGs in an EU context. Edition 2019.- 40 p.COMMISSION EUROPEENNE; EUROSTAT
OSustainable development in the European Union. - 2015 monitoring report of the EU sustainable development strategy. Edition 2015.- 351 p. - Key messages. Edition 2015.- 120 p.COMMISSION EUROPEENNE; EUROSTAT
Sustainable communities in Europe.LAFFERTY (WM)2001
OSustainability now ! A European vision for sustainability.COMMISSION EUROPEENNE
Sustainability and firms. Technological change and the changing regulatory environment.FAUCHEUX (S); GOWDY (J); NICOLAI (I)1998
Suisse. La ville compacte ou le syndrome de Peter Pan.2012
OStratégies nationales de développement durable : bonnes pratiques dans les pays de l'OCDE. Good practices in the national sustainable development strategies of OECD countries.ORGANISATION DE COOPERATION ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUES
OStratégie nationale pour la biodiversité 2011-2020 A - Stratégie nationale.- 2011.- 60 p. B - Quels indicateurs retenir ? Document d'étape.- 2011.- 24 p. C - Engagements de l'Etat 2011-2013.- 2011.- 5 p.MINISTERE DE L'ECOLOGIE; DIRECTION GENERALE DE L'AMENAGEMENT DU LOGEMENT ET DE LA NATURE; OBSERVATOIRE NATIONAL DE LA BIODIVERSITE