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Collection ou revue : Transportation Research A


The economic impact of changing accessibility.GUNN (H); KIRBY (HR)2011
Characterizing the speed and paths of shared bicycle use in Lyon.JENSEN (P); OVTRACHT (N); ROBARDET (C)2010
The influence of (toll-related) travel costs in residential location decisions of households : a stated choice approach.ETTEMA (D); TILLEMA (T); VAN WEE (B)2010
Balancing the economic and environmental performance of maritime transportation.KONTOVAS (C); PSARAFTIS (HN)2010
Special section. Climate change and transportation policy : gaps and facts. The rôle of VMT (vehicle miles traveled) reduction in meeting climate change policy goals. Planning for economic and environmental resilience. Planning, climate change, and transportation : thoughts on policy analysis.BISHINS (A); BOARNET (MG); KOOSHIAN (C)2010
Special issue : specification and interpretation issues in behavioural models used for environmental assessment in transport.2010
An economic assessment of the impacts of the MOSE barriers on Venise port activities.NUNES (PALD); UMGIESSER (G); VERGANO (L)2010
The role of cities in achieving the EU targets on biofuels for transportation : the cases of Berlin, London, Milan and Helsinki.BARBATO (A); CROCI (E); DALLEMAND (JF)2010
ELASTIC - A methodological framework for identifying and selecting sustainable transport indicators.CASTILLO (H); PITFIELD (DE)2010
Regulating CO2 emissions of transportation in Europe : a CGE-analysis using market-based instruments.ABRELL (J)2010