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Willingness to pay for environmental attributes of non-food agricultural products : a real choice experiment.MICHAUD (C); LLERENA (P); JOLY (I)2013
Who will buy electric cars ? An empirical study in Germany.HENKEL (S); LIEVEN (T); MÜHLMEIER (S)2011
What will the environmental effects of new free-floating car-sharing systems ? The case of car2go in Ulm.FIRNKORN (J); MULLER (M)2011
Vers des comportements plus environnementaux. Vue d'ensemble de l'enquête 2011. Etudes de l'OCDE sur la politique de l'environnement et le comportement des ménages. Greening household behaviour. Overview from the 2011 survey. Revised edition.ORGANISATION DE COOPERATION ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUES
Transports, énergie, environnement - modes de vie et comportements.MORCHEOINE (A)1998
Too much of a good thing ? Why altruism car harm the environment ?GROLLEAU (G); IBANEZ (L); MZOUGHI (N)2009
The role of information provision as a policy instrument to supplement environmental taxes.SARTZETAKIS (ES); XEPAPADEAS (A); PETRAKIS (E)2012
The role of environmental management in consumers preferences for corporate social responsibility.ARANA (JE); LEON (CJ)2009
The role of consumption patterns, demand and technological factors on the recent evolution of CO2 emissions in a group of advanced economies.DUARTE (R); MAINAR (A); SANCHEZ CHOLIZ (J)2013
The impacts of environmental knowledge and attitudes on vehicle ownership and use.FLAMM (B)2009