
A - REYNAUD (C), JIANG (F). Concept, modélisation, évaluation de stratégies. - 41 p.
B - Deliverables 1 - Inventarisation of customer needs of freight rail in Europe. - juillet 1998. - 53 p.
C - Deliverable 2 - Annexe 2 : Network parameters and simulation results. - juin 1999. - 146 p. Titre (suite)
D - Deliverable 3 - Annex : database, survery and forecast. - avril 1999. - 164 p.
E - Deliverable 4 -. Methodology for evaluation. 91 p. bibliographie
F - (manque)
G - Deliverable 6 - Analyses of rail operation and network scenarios. - novembre 2000 89 p.
H - (manque)
I - Deliverable 8 - A definition of strategies for freight on European rail services. - novembre 2000. - 50 p.

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