Seminar on national transport models : the state of art.
9 - 11 juin 1997.
Titre complémentaire- - BELL (S). - The central Scotland transport model. - 25 p., bibliogr.
- SPIERS (RJ). - Strategic transportation model of northern Ireland. - 14 p., bibliogr.
- RAMJERDI (F), RAND (L). - A national forecasting model system for the evaluation of the impacts of alternative policy measures on transport and environment. - 16 p., bibliogr.
- WAARD (J van der). - Dutch experience of using a national transport model. The use of the national model system. - non pag.
- DALY (A). - The Netherland national model. - non pag. - CASCETTA (E). - National modelling in Italy. Simulation and evaluation models for the italian DSS. - pag. mult.
- SESIT CONSORTIUM. - National DSS for transport policies. SIMPT : informative system for transportation system monitoring and planning. - 39 p., annexes
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